Sunday, December 4, 2011

We have a winner (s)!

A little something to put under the tree for yourself!

Thank you to Monica with Soapsudations and Tabitha with Kludingbear for entering the Under the Willow giveaway! Please send me your address so I can get your giveaway gift mailed.

I appreciate that each of you took the time to comment and enter AND since there were only two of you who entered- I am happy to send both of you a giveaway gift!

I hope you enjoy your goodies. Happy Holidays!


  1. OMG, I'm so thrilled!!!! And here I told my sister I never win anything. :)

    Thank you so much Carrie for having the giveaway and just being super wonderful!

  2. Aww... you are too sweet Monica- my pleasure!

  3. Congratulations to MOnica and Kludinbear on their win!!

    I must apologize, Carrie, but I have no recollection of seeing your initial or subsequent announcements on this...I feel like I've been abducted by aliens and had parts of my brain purged. I would have tweeted and posted on FB and my blog!

    Honestly, now I'm a little worried about myself.....

  4. Yay! I'm so excited to try this! Thanks.
